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Europe, USA, China

4 subsidiaries

International Paal Branches

  • Krumm und André | Blumentalstr. 2-4 | Remscheid
  • +49 (0)2191 906-0 | info@krummundandre.de


Europe, USA, China

4 subsidiaries

International Paal Branches


Certificates/Company quality assurance

Constant production controlling, also at our suppliers, and constant development in our production results in products that are in 99,8% of the case technical correct. We try to get the 100% with a new type of management, new machines and more controls.

For this reason the quality management departments from Paal, Krumm und Andre and Hapare joint together which leads to our DIN EN ISO 9002 and now the DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 certificate.

Successful customer audits: Daimler Chrysler Steering Systems, Berrang

Successful customer audits: Daimler Chrysler Steering Systems, Berrang

We will be happy to advise you!

Happy customers are our goal – thats the reason why we are constantly working on that!

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